The Pura Vida Bouquet presents a sophisticated mix of fresh and dried white flowers, enhanced with pampas. The bouquet’s white tones represent purity and the essence of a simple, unblemished life. Fresh blooms bring a crisp, clean look, while the dried elements and pampas add texture and depth. This arrangement captures the tranquility and clarity associated with the color white, creating a refined and peaceful atmosphere. Ideal for those seeking a touch of elegance and calm, the Pura Vida Bouquet is a reflection of purity and a celebration of life’s simple, beautiful moments.
Signature Bouquets
Pura Vida Bouquet
Original price was: ₱3,000.00.₱2,500.00Current price is: ₱2,500.00.
Pura Vida Bouquet is a serene blend of pristine white roses and delicate baby’s breath, embodying purity and simplicity. Perfect for a timeless, graceful touch.
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